It has been claimed that car insurance policyholders may soon find that their cars become the third most connected place that they spend their time.
Chipmaker Intel has stated that there is the future prospect of "digital goods" entering vehicles, which may allow drivers to combat poor weather conditions and recalculate routes in the event of an accident, the Daily Telegraph has reported.
If cars could communicate with each other, they would be able to assist one another, helping to make driving and navigating a collaborative experience among road users.
Commenting on the technology, Intel's Staci Palmer told the newspaper: "In the US, the average driver spends the equivalent of two months of every year in car; it's impractical for us to give up connectivity inside of the vehicle. The car is the mobile device of the future."
With people spending more and more time inside their cars, their safety and connectivity is paramount.
However, such innovations could raise concerns as to whether these developments could distract drivers.