I would like to share about how the selection of engine oil and the problem. I happen to work in the care of laboratory testing of engine oil in Indonesia market!
Hopefully useful.
Tips & Guide: Selecting and determining the quality of engine oil and the correct proportion
Circulating engine oil brands are currently more than 220 brands.If calculated from the type / kind of automotive engine oil could reach the thousands of species. Fortunately there is more than 10 ga dibengkel's brands, except for the stores of oil. So we did not bother to vote.
Determine the quality of engine oil that is "valid" and can only be assured in the laboratory and test RoadTest.
Tips & guidelines below can help you at least, in predicting and identifying quality oil brand in early as well as the most important thing is to establish the paradigm you actually get around an engine oil in order to have optimal performance in the machine, proportionately and professionally.
We are several things to understand in selecting brands and things associated with the quality and performance of engine oil in the market as follows:
A. Proportional → Specifications quality oil that is used: The most ideal, Use the criteria recommended by the engine oil of your vehicle. SAE yes, yes the fire code.
Remember, high-level API and SAE thin does not mean better quality!
2. → the proportional use of oil: Whatever brand and type of engine oil you use, make sure you know the time of use. If there are oil producers who do not have this data, so simple, how do we know the engine oil quality? The conclusion is a professional manufacturer.
3. Shake the bottle before use → Oli Oli consists of two compounds: base oil + additive materials. Only 5-20% additive composition of the total volume of oil. But it is an additive is a "spirit" of oil. Without additives, engine oil can be very short age.Additive properties of the heavier oil base material. In bottles of oil, an additive relative was in the bottom of the bottle. The trial results with AAS (Atomic Absorbtion Spectroscopy) showed that oil poured into the machine without the whipped will contain fewer additives than the beaten first.
But They say: "I have been using the engine oil without first whipped, and no problems with the vehicle engine tuh I"? What must be understood, worn metal components inside the machine, its size is the PPM (part per million = in 1 liter of oil, the wear of metal weighing 0001 g. So it is very small. New engine problems if oil containing traces engine wear metal elements for some of40 PPM. So that means, without the whipped was natural that we feel there is "no problem" with the condition of the vehicle engine Kita. impact will be felt several years kemudian.Tanpa dikocokpun actual oil, can be directly used in the machine. But let me be more optimal performance, yes .. there is no hard shaking the bottle of oil.!! And with this step, we can delay the process of engine wear out a few more years to come.
4. Quality of data = test result ≠ campaign rhetoric. A measure of engine oil is the data and the number of test results. Both in the Lab. Or in the field. Choose the brand of engine oil that has a clear contract specifications and data displayed on the website.Find as much information about perbandinagn 2nya merk2 quality oil that widely spread on the internet. Hopefully there semikerja comparison of test results such as: Test performance additives against oxidation (ASTM D-4742), wear test machine (Four Ball Wear (ASTM D-4172 or the Timken Test Load), TBS (Bearing tappered simulator), viscosity stability test an eye out high-temperature oil. Temperature / High Shear (ASTM D-4683). Do not be seduced by the rhetoric used in the promotion of oil producers, no matter what they say about their oil. Do not have a lab test result data. No way!
Unfortunately indeed, many oil producers here, yet open and are not familiar with the disclosure of test results of oil, such as the consumer would expect.
5. Oil quality is independent of the type: mineral, synthetic oil or semisintetis!
→ The quality of engine oil is not measured by the type of oil, synthetic or not. When tested in the laboratory, the properties of synthetic oil specification may be higher value. But it must be remembered the quality of engine oil is not only related to the type of the oil but also the additives used. Moreover, the problem of engine oil quality, the criterion is not just the nature of the test specifications. The new engine oil visible quality when practiced in the field, applied and tested on the road real engine (Road Test) or tested on the test methods such as semi-working. # 4.Like in life, someone with a high value on school / university, in practice the work, its performance is not necessarily as good as when he was in school. And from some of the test results are 2 types of engine oil, the result is quite the opposite. The key is proportionate and professional in addressing masalh usage and engine oil. Quality and performance of synthetic and mineral engine oil can be just as good, depending on the brand and the way we understand this correctly masalh & proportion.
6. Website content & appearance: Manufacturer of oil quality is usually not just have a website and displays they have. But it also represents the manufacturers of quality oil, qualify and open to their customers in displaying results of lab tests. of specification / quality engine oil. Furthermore, the leading oil producers usually dare to compare the results of the test / quality of the oil with other brands as well as test results Roadtest who ever lived. This is usually not done by the oil producers are "mediocre".
7. Brand reputation. Oli-quality brands can usually be attributed to oil producer's reputation as the world's leading oil producer. But surely not all of them. There are also some of the leading brands and top quality engine oil that is not an oil producer.
8. Code & Glossary: Understanding the code and the terms of engine oil is very important, because the engine oil sector is full of terms / codes are usually a lot of meaning among otomania disalhtafsirkan and the community. Misunderstand the term, it would be wrong as well, we interpret the quality of an engine oil.Furthermore, with proper understanding, will the terms & code of engine oil, "We will not be easily fooled karerna know and understand what the real issues and HOW it should be in determining, get around, to understand the true meaning of the code / term around the engine oil.
15 Mar 2011
Choosing and determining the quality of engine oil and the correct proportion
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