10 Mar 2010


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Increasing crime rate is currently rising, especially with the many women who has always been a target of the perpetrators. Therefore, let us together to anticipate early and check out some tips:

imageStep one to warm up the vehicle safely.
While want to heat the engine, it's worth the car and immediately go into lock your car doors. At the time of heating the engine, try not to leave the car in a state of light, the door opens or if the need should not be outside the vehicle.

Step two guard with strangers.
By the time you are in locations around the car park, avoid conversation with people you barely know or someone unknown who tries to approach you. This needs to be done because every action is not always the same perpetrators.

Step three car glass windows open sufficiently.
Open up your car windshield to taste or if necessary close the windshield, if you are on a deserted and dark streets and street locations that are prone to the existence of evil.

The fourth step to avoid a criminal.
If there are perpetrators of crime to ask your property such as wallets, bags, mobile phones, or whatever, give me a way to throw it away in another direction away from your position. By the time players are going to try to retrieve the object then you ran in the opposite direction from the position of actors and shout to attract attention around.

May be useful for you.

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