4 Mar 2010

Car Rental Business

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 image If you have plans to open a car rental business, you can prepare the following step.

Car rental business is divided 2 models:
1. With the driver. Usually the lease with the system hourly or daily.
2. Without a driver. Usually weekly rental, monthly, yearly.
You need to be extra careful when renting your vehicle. Make sure the correct identity of the tenant, because this business is high risk. You should insure your car. Uninsured could also, but at his own risk. Not borne of insurance.
If the tenant does not need a driver, you should really make sure that the borrower can be trusted completely.

Major steps: 
A. The most frequently hired by the family car.
Cars can be purchased on credit. Car maintenance costs, among others: oil change, service, replace tires, etc.. Car over two years of age usually require treatment
B. Prepare an annual fee as well as vehicle taxes, vehicle of insurance. 
C. The cost to rent a car ad.

Assumsi income:
To calculate the rental car, taking into account first to pay the monthly car payments and car maintenance operations.

Constraints of business:
Relatively high (degree of risk of loss and cost of care)

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