Some like to collect the cars before the 90s? Perhaps these tips can be input for you.
The first tips, buy old cars were still good bodinya. Sometimes there who think that the more efficient and practical to buy a good car engine. This statement is inappropriate because it is more economical to buy an old car berbodi flawless and smooth out the original, although the machine badly.
Suppose you buy a car with the engine run-down, simply remove one or two million dollars, take it to the workshop that you think is qualified, guaranteed within a week your car is fine. Of course this does not apply to a motor car completely destroyed. But if you buy a car that ugly bodinya, nine millions will be out of your pocket for paint, accessories complement the missing (Itupun if possible), and wait at least three months until the car kinclong back. Makes sense, right?
Tip two, notice the letters trimmings. Old cars before the year 1970, in addition to vehicle registration and proof Motor Vehicle Ownership (BPKB), must be completed boekpass which is kind of certificate of an official letter before there were rules about BPKB. If boekpass still exist, the car was really original and worthy of collection.
You should also avoid the old car with automatic transmission. Automatic transmission system is spoiling the rider, but often it becomes a habit to ignore the transmission oil change. The car is very sensitive automatic lubrication system. Forget oil change or just take in a bit of dust can ruin the transmission system. But of course, this only applies to old cars.
In addition, there is little trade-off between large-engined cars (big cc) with a small engined car. Small-engined cars are efficient, but generally too expensive sparepartnya price. Sometimes a little bit of change kudu and uncomfortable. While large-engined cars do tend to extravagant, but it somewhat sparepartnya very cheap, durable, and comfortable. Although it may take some sacrifice to obtain the spare parts.
To prove whether or not okay old car engine, you can ask the seller to start the engine for about five minutes, then turn off. Exhaust through her fingers and make sure there is soot stuck to your fingers dry. If soot is wet, forget it. If a new muffler, see the feeder exhaust (shaped like a tank before the end of the exhaust pipe), whether the look shiny like metal burning. If black or peeling, you should forget it.
Choosing tires and wheels that fit is equally important. If the default ring 13, do not insist to wear the ring just for style 17-gayaan. In addition to damaging tie rod, will also be influential in the suspension system and the accuracy of the speedometer.
One thing that is often overlooked is about paint. Car lawas generally overwritten with congenital solid color paint factory. Solid paint not too often polished. Unlike the metallic paint, where the more polished it more shiny, the paint is often polished solid instead of paint thinner causes and not shiny.
Last but not least, if you want an old car hunting like VW, Holden, Ford's old, old Toyota, Fiat, Chevrolet and other antique cars, you may be approached first fan club car. They have complete access to information and generally very welcome to anyone. Bring a friend who's right about the condition of schools of the cars lawas can also be very helpful.
That was a few tips if you want to memberli old car. I hope this tips can help you.