31 Jan 2010

Soichiro Honda, The Man Behind The Success Of Large Companies Honda (Part II)

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In 1934, Soichiro plans to make his own car. Not taking the car from the famous brands at the time. Intention that he had lived by first making a piston ring. In 1935, right next to the garage art he made the sign for Piston Ring Research Center for Art.

Piston ring made Soichiro always fail, because he did not understand the problem of mixing metals. Because the piston ring made always broken or scratched slinder wall. Finally he came to Hamamatsu High School majoring in machinery, and was told that there was another mix needed to make the piston ring, such as silicon. With the information he received, he finally had a determination to continue the school, although when it was Soichiro was 28 years old.

Finally 3 years later, on 20 November 1937 on the piston rings had made. And in 1938 he founded the piston rings manufacturing plant named Tokai Seiki. While the workshop which he headed left to the men to be managed.

Workshop that he founded eventually produce officially in 1941 after some investors from Toyota. In the year 1945, exactly after World War 2, Japan became the low country for losing the war. And life-terlunta Soichiro be lunta. He did not do any work at that time. There is no intention to build more factories, and even he only wanted to learn to play the flute at that time.

In the period after the war, in which the objects are still very rare, even the textile industry developed rapidly at that time. Reportedly, the people who have a loom, so moving the engine, he could get 10 thousand yen. And then think how to make Soichiro loom ever more sophisticated than the existing at that time. He also founded the factory loom which eventually halted due to lack of capital.

When the factory he made a halt, there was a friend who offered a radio transmitter used machines of war which turned out activities amounted to 500 units. And Soichiro asked to use the machine.

Setelah melihat sepeda, ia pun berniat membuat sepeda motor dengan mesin pemancar radio. Cara mengendarai sepeda motor saat itu juga sangat berlainan dengan yang ada sekarang. Pertama-tama mesih harus dipanaskan dengan api, dan digenjot minimal 30 menit, baru mesin bisa digunakan. Tapi tetap saja laku keras, dan kapasitas produksi saat itu 1 unit lebih dalam 1 hari. Dalam setahun saja, 500 buah pemancar radio habis.

With these achievements, Soichiro continue to develop motorcycle engines and motorcycles berhasi creating the so-called Dream D, after making machines A, B, and C. Soichiro-made motor is not with 2 engines 98 cc and a maximum speed of only 50 km / hour.

Along with D will dipasarkannya Dream, a great marketer named Fujisawa joined joined Soichiro and build a motorcycle factory. Then later, the presence of Fujisawa brought major changes to the company named Honda.

Before the Dream D marketed, Fujisawa test these motors to the community. And unknown, because Dream 2 D is not the motor, the noise created a problem. And thus, Fujisawa Soichiro force to create a machine that not poor 4 noise sound. 4 engine was finally made and managed to become number one in Japan. With this engine was 4, the maximum speed is 75 km / hour.

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